In a nutshell, I have gotten bored of NBA2K20. Can I keep playing with it? Off and on, yes. I do have any basketball games to play. NBA Live 19 is still busy and I haven't gotten bored of it, NBA Live 2005, 07, 08, 09 and 10 are in my library on my PS2 and PS3 so I have those to get lost, and even 3 Freestyle, a free to NBA 2K21 MT play streetball game hasn't gotten boring. I've got plenty of alternatives to get my Basketball fix. So those are my thoughts. I do not ask that you like my opinion like a lot of you like the crappy business practices of 2K, but I do ask that you honor that I have you.
You do realize clothing items do nothing to increase your sponsorships? All you get is free shoes from whatever business you signed up with. Much. More. Interesting. Park, play the cages, today, my team on the internet, rec my league on the internet. All of these are so much better than grinding mycareer. You spent your VC on useless things then complain about the way that it takes too much time to upgrade characters? Bruh all that bc you grinded was enough to get at least four players. Playing one season gives you enough to reach 90. Playing rec and modes gives enough to get to 95+.
Consider giving yourself an challenge with my own league. Perform online. Rebuild a team. In conclusion, no I don't encourage the microtransactions and overall greediness of 2K, but your complaints are incorrect. Because you spent it all on clothes you gained vc on a single personality for them however didn't get up them. You did not even try to access half NBA 2K21, the most fun half and therefore are stating NBA 2K21 is boring. You claiming it rated and should be easy, that has got to be the dumbest argument I have ever heard. E is satisfied evaluation not how difficult a match is. A competitive game should not be simple. NBA 2K21 requires at least a little skill, it just seems like you don't want work.
It took a day. I had some stuff to do. So where do I begin. In 2K21 they will get rid of this, but I ai not holding my breath. Next the VC thing. Yeah.I got bored of squeezing it out and because I am broke I'm not paying for it. I didn't know there wasn't an incentive so that was unnecessary spending to being spat out in my sponsor's clothing.
That is a and I will not buy into it. So what if half NBA 2K21 is locked behind the need for the subscription? It is half NBA 2K21 I won't be playing because it isn't worth the investment at the moment. And dependent on the experience I did have when I'd PS+ (toxic players, complaints about how bad my build is, etc.) and you will see why I have opted to never touch the Park 39 and a half foot rod. Playing a harder dificulty in MyLeague was done already.not moving around that again.
Playing NBA 2K21 in general was performed already so I ran out of stuff to do. I'm gonna log in and then play a game who's most intriguing content is locked behind a subscription service during a pandemic where alongside nobody is going to get the money to maintain their subs. Eventually the annual subs are gonna run out and the monthly subs are either on their last month or they are already out. Long story short. I am bored. I've done all and noticed all. With or without a PS+ subscriptin I have done everything in Buy NBA 2K21 VC that I can do.