Skyzhay 0 Denunciar post Postado October 14, 2021 Where was the portion for this OSRS GP last part in any way? You could barely elaborate on few of the pre determined questions, let a lone give completely new ideas or opinions about existing places within jagex you think needs improvement that doesn't have anything to do with dev work/content upgrades. The poll seemed more about giving them the answers they want and push it in that way (poll questions, images, control questions etc), which makes them (jagex) as a firm look good (probably for investors) and to harvest user information (to market to advertisers) and way less about the near future of Runescape etc.. Biggest skill improvements easily Smithing and fletching. Crafting has late game function with zenytes. Fletching arrows I figure and has dragon darts. Smithing has rune.make these skills useful for overdue game things. For me personally it was building, despite having my favorite rewards the training method is awful to me and depends on aligned cameras etc.. I agree for methodology construction is up there. I'd love to see more world development construction. Like imagine you can improve how cities seem (like burgh de rott tasks). Even possibly as a profit idea. Like you and you become delegated tasks and a service charge and xp, respectively. Less xp/hr compared to strategies but turning to on 83 con. Agree. Development construction could be fantastic. Each region could have its own guild with unique projects to be built throughout the region. Instead of gain I would certainly be interested in experience. For example like building a bridge or NPC home a larger project could take 6-8 hours to finish granting experience speeds that are reasonable throughout, and the town would cover the resource cost all. You could get paid a fair amount for the job also, but maybe not a fantastic deal. Maybe you could receive bonuses or rewards for choosing future contracts in place of payment. The principal focus would need to be making it an adoptable training system for people working to a top construction level, while also still being rewarding to people who have 99 construction and beyond. I would appreciate an ending cheap OSRS gold comments box (though I understand if that's hard to go through). I could not express I believed more could be worked by OSRS on completionist content. This was especially glaring on the"what do you believe OSRS should concentrate on?" Section, where I needed to select stuff that I enjoy, but not really what I thought the dev group should focus on. I was curious about the HD OSRS screenshots. Glad to see they are looking into it. I utilized the improvement on in-game box to the limit not associated with fear that there wouldn't be an additional box. There was not so that was a fantastic call. They could have used more enter areas since there was a lot I would have said but Yes, I totally this. At every opportunity, I tried to slip into more"untradeable/completionist articles", however, the answers just couldn't reflect it entirely. I would have liked a general comments box at the end since there were several things I wished to react to in greater detail however hadn't any place to do so. While completionist content would not make it on my listing. I'm pretty bummed out the completionist community couldn't express their views for game leadership. I was also happy to see the HD OSRS screenshots. I rated them as my top, as as a optional toggle. It'd make me even more excited to log in and receive immersed. Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites
Atendimento e Suporte 323 Denunciar post Postado October 14, 2021 Verifique agora estas melhores publicações de crédito*: OPÇÃO 1 - Tirar dúvidas sobre empréstimo pessoal OPÇÃO 2 - Para quem busca por empréstimos online OPÇÃO 3 - Especial para seu perfil e suas necessidades com melhor suporte da comunidade OPÇÃO 4 - Leia o alerta completo para não ser vítima de fraudes digitais OPÇÃO 5 - Procedimentos comuns de Empréstimos Online com Segurança *Dúvida comum: as propostas recebidas costumam ser válidas somente para esta data. Caso tenha perdido o prazo e não consiga aprovação, realize uma nova solicitação. IMPORTANTE: Não deixe também de visitar nossos sites parceiros para obter mais opções de crédito e conseguir a liberação de seu empréstimo ainda hoje. ALERTA: NUNCA REALIZE PAGAMENTOS ANTECIPADOS!Eventuais taxas são descontadas do próprio valor do empréstimo e os pagamentos das mensalidades são realizadas somente após você receber o dinheiro do crédito. Se tiver dúvidas ou precisa fazer uma denúncia, publique diretamente em nosso site: Atenciosamente, Equipe Bank Empréstimo Compartilhar este post Link para o post Compartilhar em outros sites