
[Empréstimos] When oil prices started to fall then there was no money to buy imported goods - Crédito Online

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A decade earlier, Venezuela, a petrostate under the administration of RuneScape gold Hugo Chavez, witnessed a slump in the price of oil. 2017 was the year that cost of a barrel plummeted up to nearly $50 from a high that was more than $100 in addition, it was the year that U.S. instituted wide-ranging sanctions against Venezuela's dictatorial government.

"When oil prices started to fall then there was no money to buy imported goods," said Alejandro Velasco who is an associate professor at New York University who specializes in Venezuelan political issues, in a phone interview. "As a result it was impossible to find funds for the country's economy."

Venezuela's budget was already depleted after the country spent its most recent oil earnings for social services such as subsidised food, medical treatment, and literacy programs. Chavez also removed perceived dissidents from the oil industry after an attempted coup by the military, which affected production.

The widespread corruption within the administration further damaged the economy, as buy OSRS GP per Paul Angelo, a fellow at the Council for Foreign Relations who specialises on Latin American politics.

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