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Portrait photography has for a long time delegated a wonderful special place in my daily life. As a youngster  you would discover myself in hand with a thirty-five millimeter professional camera in my posession snapping headshots of my childhood friends and family gatherings, and the gorgeous locales lending to the wee naval place in the north Carolina coastal port where my mother and I were raised. This fun time grew slowly laterally into a loving money making pastime that I assumed, digesting magazine pictures and fashion photoshoots in the latter part of my education.  Afterwards, I began assimilating a successful marketing career in which beautiful notions and enriching energy had already started to become apparent and show within my body of work. Now and forever I will be a full time exhibited and nominated Seattle Located Headshot Photographer and travel about all about Maryland and all of Seattle. I am also a in demand Washington state business product Photographer. When you get a chance look at my blog in order to find out extra about my business: tuckahoe plantation wedding

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